Mars & Venus: Understanding Your Romantic Desires

Mars & Venus: Understanding Your Romantic Desires

Ever wonder why you're drawn to a certain 'type' in relationships? Sure, your Sun sign has something to say about it, but Mars and Venus are the real stars here. Let me spill the tea on what they reveal about your romantic side. 

Venus is all about feminine energy—how you love, what you find beautiful, and what kind of affection you need. Mars? That's your drive, your passion, and the type of masculine energy you're drawn to. Together, these planets give you a map to your love life, blending what you crave in romance and how you go after it.

Venus in Aries? You probably can't resist the thrill of a last-minute road trip or an impromptu date. Mars in Taurus? I bet you're the type who melts when someone surprises you with your favorite meal after a long day.


 Venus/Mars in Aries: Bold, Fiery, Adventurous

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You’re drawn to someone who’s always down for a spontaneous adventure. Think someone who’ll text you out of nowhere saying, “Let’s go skydiving tomorrow”—and you're like, “Yeah, why not?”
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): If they’re not leading the way and being confident, you’ll probably lose interest fast. You’re into that “I know what I want, and it’s you” kind of energy.
  • Relationship Benefit: With Aries energy, the spark never dies. It’s like having a never-ending crush on your partner. 

Venus/Mars in Taurus: Steady, Sensual, Loyal

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You love someone who is super grounded and gives you those warm, cozy vibes. If they bring you flowers just because and know your coffee order by heart, you’re sold.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): Slow and steady wins your heart. A partner who knows the value of patience, and doesn’t rush into things but instead shows they’re in it for the long haul.
  • Relationship Benefit: Think cuddles, homemade dinners, and the security of knowing you’ve got someone who’s 100% loyal and reliable. With Taurus energy, it’s all about savoring the simple, sweet moments.

Venus/Mars in Gemini: Fun, Witty, Stimulating

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You’re into someone who keeps you on your toes with interesting conversations. If they can make you laugh in the middle of something serious or surprise you with random knowledge, they’ve got your attention.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): Boredom is a no-go, so you need a partner who’s always down for something new—whether it’s trying a new restaurant or getting lost in a new place.
  • Relationship Benefit: Your relationship will feel like an endless game of 20 Questions—in the best way. Conversations flow easily, and you’ll never run out of things to talk about.

Venus/Mars in Cancer: Nurturing, Protective, Intimacy

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You want someone who’s nurturing, maybe the type who brings you soup when you're sick or makes sure you’re emotionally okay. It’s all about those heartfelt check-ins that make you feel cared for.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): You’re into a protective partner who makes you feel safe and understood, like someone who’ll hug you when you’re stressed and try to make your day better.
  • Relationship Benefit: With Cancer energy, your relationship will feel like a cozy blanket you never want to take off. It’s all about emotional security and creating a deep bond.

Venus/Mars in Leo: Passionate, Proud, Playful

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You love someone who loves you—like, really loves you. If they’re not hyping you up like you’re the main character, you’ll be asking, “Why aren’t you obsessed with me?”
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): A partner who isn’t afraid to show off their love for you in grand ways—think bold gestures and making it known you’re theirs.
  • Relationship Benefit: Every day with Leo energy feels like a rom-com. Grand declarations of love, playful banter, and a partner who treats you like royalty.

Venus/Mars in Virgo: Practical, Grounded, Thoughtful

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You’re all about someone who remembers the little things, like how you take your tea or that you love your towels folded a certain way. It’s the small acts of service that win your heart.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): You appreciate someone hardworking and reliable, the type who has a plan for the future and shows they care by doing practical things—like fixing your faucet without being asked.
  • Relationship Benefit: With Virgo energy, love is shown through thoughtfulness and making life easier for each other. You’ll never feel neglected because your partner shows up in the ways that matter.

Venus/Mars in Libra: Charming, Harmonious, Graceful

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You’re into someone who makes everything feel like a rom-com moment—charming, graceful, and always striving for balance. They’re the type who diffuses an argument with a smile.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): You need someone who’s fair-minded and keeps the peace. A partner who knows how to charm not just you, but everyone they meet.
  • Relationship Benefit: Libra energy means your relationship will feel harmonious, like everything flows naturally. You’ll love how you can find balance and keep things light and graceful.

Venus/Mars in Scorpio: Intense, Passionate, Emotional

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You’re drawn to someone who’s all-in or nothing. Mysterious, intense, and deeply emotional, they keep you intrigued and craving more.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): If they can’t match your emotional depth or passion, you’re out. You need a partner who’s magnetic and unafraid of diving into the deep end with you.
  • Relationship Benefit: With Scorpio energy, your relationship will be nothing short of transformative. It’s intense, all-consuming, and full of loyalty—definitely not for the faint of heart.

Venus/Mars in Sagittarius: Free-Spirited, Adventurous, Optimistic

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You need someone who’s ready to drop everything and book a spontaneous trip or try something wild on a whim. Adventure is a MUST.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): If they’re too stuck in their ways, it’s not going to work. You’re into someone who’s free-spirited, loves to explore, and isn’t afraid to say yes to life.
  • Relationship Benefit: Sagittarius energy keeps things fun, fresh, and always optimistic. Whether you’re traveling the world together or just dreaming big, there’s never a dull moment.

Venus/Mars in Capricorn: Ambitious, Grounded, Focused

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You’re into someone who knows what they want and is working hard to get it. You love ambition, and if they’ve got a five-year plan, you’re definitely intrigued.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): You’re all about someone who’s disciplined, serious, and committed to building something real. If they’re in it for the long haul, you’re in.
  • Relationship Benefit: With Capricorn energy, you know you’re building something solid and lasting. This is the kind of relationship that can stand the test of time.

Venus/Mars in Aquarius: Unconventional, Independent, Freedom

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You need someone who’s not afraid to be different—someone who wears their quirks proudly and values their independence as much as you do.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): You’re drawn to someone who challenges the status quo and loves to think outside the box. If they’re a little eccentric, even better.
  • Relationship Benefit: Aquarius energy brings freedom and innovation to the relationship. You’re free to be yourselves, while still keeping a strong, unbreakable bond.

Venus/Mars in Pisces: Romantic, Compassionate, Emotional

  • Feminine Partner (Venus): You love someone who’s dreamy and compassionate, the type who writes love notes or remembers the tiniest details of your soul.
  • Masculine Partner (Mars): You’re all about someone who’s emotionally in tune and nurturing. A deep, spiritual connection is what you’re after.
  • Relationship Benefit: Pisces energy brings romance and empathy, making your relationship feel like you’re living in a fairytale. Expect lots of dreamy, emotional moments and deep, soulful connections.

No matter what your Venus or Mars placement is, the key to a great relationship is understanding the unique energy that each person brings to the table. Whether you’re in it for deep emotional connection, spontaneous adventures, or steady loyalty, there’s a match out there for everyone <333

Venus in Greek Mythology: Aphrodite
In Greek mythology, Venus is represented by Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Aphrodite was born from the sea foam, symbolizing her connection to both beauty and mystery. She’s the one that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside—think of her as the ultimate goddess of charm, sensuality, and, of course, love. When Venus is in your chart, you’re channeling this same Aphrodite energy, whether you're wooing someone with a cute smile or falling head-over-heels in a whirlwind romance. In relationships, you might crave beauty, harmony, and a love that feels almost otherworldly. Aphrodite didn’t just embody romantic love; she was also deeply tied to artistic expression, which is why those with strong Venus placements might have a natural flair for beauty, style, and creativity.

Mars in Greek Mythology: Ares
Mars is represented by Ares in Greek mythology, the god of war, aggression, and desire. Ares is intense, competitive, and often driven by pure passion (sometimes to his own detriment). His energy is about action, movement, and pursuit. When Mars is strong in your chart, you're tapping into Ares’ fiery, bold nature. You’re not waiting for things to happen—you’re charging forward with confidence and determination. Ares is all about assertiveness, and in relationships, this might mean you're drawn to a partner who’s bold, passionate, and maybe even a little bit combative. There's an intensity to this Mars/Ares energy, making it about deep connection, challenge, and excitement.

In Greek mythology, Aphrodite (Venus) and Ares (Mars) had a steamy and complicated affair. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, was married to Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and craftsmanship—an awkward pairing, since Hephaestus was known for being a bit less glamorous and more focused on his craft. Aphrodite, being the goddess of love, wasn’t content with the more passive, mechanical side of life that Hephaestus offered. Enter Ares, the god of war, a much more exciting and fiery counterpart to her.

Their relationship was anything but peaceful—Ares, with his passion and boldness, was the perfect match for Aphrodite’s beauty and sensuality. Together, they created a lot of heat. Their affair, however, was kept secret, and they carried on behind Hephaestus' back.

The famous tale goes that Hephaestus discovered their affair when he set a trap. He crafted a net and used it to entangle Aphrodite and Ares while they were together. He then invited all the other gods to watch the scandal unfold. Aphrodite and Ares were humiliated, but their chemistry was undeniable, and their relationship continued in some form. Despite the public embarrassment, they didn’t stop their fiery connection.


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